This blog has links to a number of my blogs describing solutions to various serious problems. Some of these are national problems and some are international problems with worldwide ramifications. Most of these solutions come from a straight on facing of the problems as much without preconceptions as is possible. This can result in "outside-the-box" solutions that may tread on some people's sensitivities or egos. Mostly the "fat" in so many solutions that seems to trickle into politicians' war chests or even their own pockets has been removed making these solutions unpopular with the beltway bunch.
Energy - From the book, A Convenient Solution, A compendium of solutions to the many segments and systems that make up our energy needs and use. These solutions will even stop the addition of carbon dioxide to our atmosphere and its possible global warming effect. There are four related blogs:
A Convenient Solution - Overview of the book -
A Convenient Solution - excerpts from the book -
A Convenient Solution - Latest news and updates -
A Convenient Solution - The lecture
Taxes - The Johnson Tax Code. An improvement on the "Fair Tax" that will also provide welfare for those who need it and could even replace Social Security. Mostly it would remove the power the IRS hands our Congressmen and stop their self-serving raidsd on the treasury.
Drugs - A Real Answer to the Drug Problem. How we can completely remove the money incentive for drug dealers and drug cartels.
Jobs - How Indiana, or any state for that manner can grow jobs rapidly and realize an explosive economy.
Minimum Wage - Why it fails & How to correct it so that it really benefits those who need it. http://hjminwage.blogspot/
Security - Solution to the ID Problem. How we can put together a truly effective system that will not upset the privacy freaks.
Disaster Relief, A New Plan for real relief in the event of a national disaster, natural or man-made. Even better is a plan to respond quickly using local people who know the lay of the land.
Immigration, illegal - A description of the problem and some interesting comments and suggestions. This is a dscription you will not read anywhere else.
Recycling - A real recycling program that would soon stop the mounting inundation of our nation in trash, the transfer of dangerous waste to the third world, and place the cost squarely where it belongs. (This solution is under development and will be posted soon.)
More solutions are coming.
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